Working From_ Somewhere Safe
Take a look at our commitment to ensuring our members are working in a space that’s safe and secure so they can focus on the task in hand, with as little distraction as possible.

Keeping things clean
No surprise here. We’ve increased the frequency of our cleaning, upgraded to medical-grade sanitisers and implemented routine deep cleans. Sanitising stations will be placed in key areas, with additional cleaning practices across high contact points like printers, door handles and phone booths. Whenever possible, we’ll keep doors open to help with airflow and work towards a low-touch policy.

Mind the gap
Here at WF_ we’re adhering to local government guidance on covid safety.
In London, although social distancing rules have eased, we ask you to still be mindful of other members and staff personal space. We encourage all our staff and guests, regardless of vaccination status, to consider wearing masks, especially in enclosed spaces like our lifts.
In Chicago, you’ll see signage in and around the space as a reminder to keep a safe distance from other members. We’ll limit elevator usage to four guests at a time, and extra credit to those that take the stairs. As far as seating goes, we’ll ask members to sit apart from each other, with some chairs being off-limits so no one gets too cosy. And don’t forget those masks! We appreciate everyone wearing them to keep fellow members and our WF_ team safe.
For more information about local safety guidance, feel free to hit up the team in Southwark or Fulton Market.

Keeping things fresh
Good air quality and the right level of humidity is important for a healthy building and the people inside it. Our brand new handling system will increase its fresh air intake and reduce recirculation, whilst keeping humidity at tip top levels. We’ll also be taking extra care of our plants which will help improve air quality within our spaces.
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