All Under One Roof
As well as desks and studios to get the hard work done, we’ve got meeting rooms for dreaming up ideas, a cafe to help wire you up and wind you down, and day beds too for hiding in when it all gets too much.

Meeting spaces. Need a room to bash heads together, present a pitch, or dream up that next big idea? Our meeting rooms in Southwark all have wall-mounted screens, video conferencing and large windows to make them feel bright and airy.
Need a change of scene? More than just lovely desks and speedy WiFi, check out what else is yours to explore.

Beyond a desk. Like to break up your day with a lunch time stretch? Or an early morning yoga class to get your head straight? Us too.

Spaces to think. Cure your creative block with a change of scene. We’ve got plenty of spaces away from your desk where you can think, work, and bash ideas out.
Check out the space
What else is in the building? We’ve got restaurants, bars, bedrooms, event spaces, retail, and more, all under one roof.
Our Memberships
Whether you’re flying solo, working with a team, or just need a desk for the day to get that pitch finished, we’ve got you.

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